Sunday, October 6, 2013

Okie dokie it's time for an update. I finally finished my first project! It took only a minimal 40ish hours!!! The project was to make this lego water plane. We got the assignment on Wednesday and it took until today (Sunday) at 7P.M to get it all done and turned in. Yes I was in the lab everyday from 4PM-10PM on average working on it. Saturday I was there from 9AM-10PMish and today I got there at 9AM and left at 7.

It was true when they said you just have to get up and walk to the park to ride a roller coaster for a frustration release or just a break. Also you have to break sometime for food, time goes by so fast when doing this I didn't eat lunch some days until 2pm-3pm and supper at like 10 pm.
Even though it looks easy it definitely was not. Especially when we did this with just 3 days of instruction. Thought you'd all want to see the finished project so here it is.

That's it for now.

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