Sunday, October 27, 2013

Alright it is that time of the week again to post some new info! This project has been a two week project which is why I haven't posted in a few weeks. The first week we had to do the modeling (or most of it and finish it this week), and this week we had to do what is called UV'ing. UV'ing is the process of taking a 3D model and turning it into a 2D object so that you can texture it properly. UV'ing SUCKS!!!!!! I absolutely hate it but finally got it done early today.

First check out this model we had to do Monday. We had an hour to model it and scale it properly and if we got it correct it was 3D printed into a real object. I passed it thank goodness and now I am allowed to model things and print them! They have to follow a strict set of rules though. We had to model a Rook chess piece, and here it is.
And now here are the reference pictures for our 2 week building project and the model pictures!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 2, project 2

Welp, another week gone another project done! This week we had to make a Trencher 885. It was a pretty big step up from the Lego Project. I spent 50 hours on this so hopefully you all like it, if not give me some feedback on how to make it better.

The only other thing I did this week than work on the project and going to school was going to Universal/Island of Adventure and Halloween Horror Nights with my best friend Sarah! She got to fly out this weekend to have some fun and it was definitely worth it. We spent 16 hours in the park on Saturday. Yes we are kind of crazy but that's why we are such good friends. Halloween Horror Nights was the bomb! We got through 7 out of the 8 haunted houses, Cabin in the Woods was the best one if you were wondering.

Anyway here's my project and a reference picture just to show you the detail I had time to add. Also just to let you know, we had a master reference that was different than the real life reference pictures which is why some of the details are different. Have a good night everyone!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Okie dokie it's time for an update. I finally finished my first project! It took only a minimal 40ish hours!!! The project was to make this lego water plane. We got the assignment on Wednesday and it took until today (Sunday) at 7P.M to get it all done and turned in. Yes I was in the lab everyday from 4PM-10PM on average working on it. Saturday I was there from 9AM-10PMish and today I got there at 9AM and left at 7.

It was true when they said you just have to get up and walk to the park to ride a roller coaster for a frustration release or just a break. Also you have to break sometime for food, time goes by so fast when doing this I didn't eat lunch some days until 2pm-3pm and supper at like 10 pm.
Even though it looks easy it definitely was not. Especially when we did this with just 3 days of instruction. Thought you'd all want to see the finished project so here it is.

That's it for now.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Apartment and beginning

Okie dokie so apparently people want me to blog sometimes? Then we shall do it!

After finally arriving to Florida on Friday my mom and I got to move me into my apartment on Saturday (which took up the entire day). Here are some pics!

Yes, if you hadn't noticed 30 feet from my Bedroom window there is a golf course. The apartment complex is really nice with a pool, fitness room, and everything was furnished (which was great because we didn't have to bring any furniture).

Monday came and it was orientation day which was a little nerve wrecking since I didn't have any idea what to expect. We got a catered breakfast that morning which was delicious and got to meet all the staff and students. After a little we went on a walk around the backlot of Universal Studios where the school is located and ended up inside Universal where they took us on The Transformers ride. How many people can say they went on a ride the first day of school? That was awesome!

The rest of the day consisted on getting our backlot passes and eating at the cafeteria which is cheap and really good!

Today (Tues. Oct 1) was out first actual day of class. Again it was scary because I didn't know what all to expect. We learned a bit of a program and had to build a desk/monitor which I did not end up finishing (it was very difficult actually). I will be studying and finishing it up tonight. I got my computer today that is custom build and am just waiting for the program to download so I can get started! Anyway... that's about it for now. I'll post more things whenever I feel like it ;)

This is what my life has become already ^